Sarmin and I started our journey together in 2005. It has been one heck of a ride since then. We both simply appreciate what life has to offer and support each other in embracing every challenge of life. This approach to life is what keeps us content and focused.
We were both born and raised in Bangladesh – a South Asian country – and moved to USA as adults. We are full-time working professionals. Sarmin is a Business Consultant, and I am an Engineer. Our journey of life has taken us together to the different corners of the world – spanning across all the 7 continents.

It is important to note that traveling around the world while working full time isn’t as easy as one may think. Then how do we make it possible? The more appropriate question should rather be – why do we travel?
For us, it is indeed a philosophical question. Travel does not just simply imply going to places. It is much more than that. In fact, it is our way of life. Traveling around the world expands our perspectives and attitude towards life. Every time we come across a new land or a new culture, it imparts a profound influence deep in our hearts. We cannot help but realize how fortunate we are just to be alive and healthy to be able to acquire these extraordinary experiences. Neither of us believe in luck. Life is all about working hard with utmost sincerity to create the opportunities to focus on the things that matter the most to us.
About Us...

Just think for a moment, what life is all about? In the astronomical scale of the known universe, how significant is the life of an individual? Isn’t it worth almost nothing? We all came from nothing, and are heading back towards the nothingness. At an individual level, all of our achievements and successes will not be sufficient to prevent our eventual demise. Then how do we make our short lives meaningful? Sarmin and I believe that life is just a collection of our discrete experiences, and by enhancing the diversity of these experiences we can make our brief existence meaningful. What we truly treasure is what we have at present, this very moment.

We do not have any long term plan, and therefore, we live as if there is no tomorrow. We do not try too hard to make life better, rather we try to make the best out of what we already have. As a couple, we consciously decided not to become parents as one cannot have everything in a single life. Focusing on our shared passion for traveling is our principal priority of life. And, so we travel.

Born: Cox’s Bazar | Bangladesh
Hometown: Dhaka
Resident: Connecticut, USA
EDU: MS Technology Management,
School: Holy Cross, JU, CCSU
Profession: Consultant-Business Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Born: Barisal | Bangladesh
Hometown: Dhaka
Resident: Connecticut, USA
EDU: MS Energy Management,
BS Mechanical Engineering
School: Notre Dame, BUET, NYIT
Profession: Engineer, PE, CEM, LEED